ProfulacTM – Human milk oligosaccharide (HMO)

Supplement for patients with kidney disease.

Happy female with Profulac box

HumoCureTM is the first project to investigate the potential therapeutic role of HMOs in patients with kidney disease.

Gut health can affect kidney health

“All disease begins in the gut” – Hippocrates.

Gut health is intricately related to our overall health. The connection between gut health and inflammation and how it affects our vital organs is just being recognized. In kidney disease, the retention of toxins (or uremic solutes) can affect gut motility and alter the gut microbiome leading to intestinal dysbiosis. As the microbiome (the signature of bacteria in our intestinal tract) moves from healthy to an unhealthy one, the intestinal milieu changes that drives inflammation. This can worsen kidney disease accelerating its progression from chronic kidney disease to end stage kidney failure.

Kidney health cycle
Happy adult male with Profulac box

Targeting the gut-kidney axis

More than 40 million people in the United States have kidney disease and its incidence is growing. Despite good control of risk factors like diabetes and high blood pressure, many individuals continue to have progression of kidney disease.

Profulac™ is an HMO supplement that aims to improve gut health via selective improvement of the microbiome. A healthy microbiome can increase the secretion of short chain fatty acids in the GI tract improving the gut barrier function and further reduce systemic inflammation. This means that kidney disease can progress slowly and complications of inflammation can be retarded. Treating the gut is a novel way of addressing kidney health!

ProfulacTM is being studied in clinical trials in patients with severe chronic kidney disease (CKD), who are not on dialysis and those with end stage renal disease (ESRD) currently receiving dialysis treatments. Please contact us for further information at [email protected].

Profulac box and packet


An HMO blend for kidney health

In research and development

Profulac is an HMO mix designed to improve outcomes in those with chronic kidney disease.
Stay tuned for announcements regarding ongoing clinical trials.